Should you choose to have your orders fulfilled by Amazon (FBA), Mantoria offers a wide range of services.
Amazon has rigorous specifications in how products are received into their FBA distribution centre network. Working through a knowledgeable fulfilment expert can ensure your products are FBA compliant to minimize risk of your shipments being rejected by Amazon.
FBA requirements include proper barcode usage, packaging, and configurations for all incoming shipments, along with other strict guidelines. Additionally, since FBA storage charges are high, it can prove economical to store your inventory outside an FBA centre for as long as possible. Let Mantoria provide complete end-to-end logistics and fulfillment for all your FBA needs.
Our warehouse management system can seamlessly interface with major e-commerce carts. We are your experienced partner in managing complex logistics and fulfillment projects effectively and efficiently.
We have global capabilities for managing and streamlining your supply chain.
Traffic Manager
Starview Packaging Machinery